Each therapist receives one week of Paid Time Off annually. The number of hours a therapist receives is based on their average hours worked per week. For a therapist to take Paid Time Off, they must notify the Director of Recreational Therapy. The Director will then tell the therapist the number of hours they can bill. Below are the instructions of how to enter Paid Time Off:

Step1: Login to Accel Trax. Start a visit for the first day of the week that you are taking the vacation. You will input multiple days to complete the hours that are allotted for your Paid Time Off.

Step 2: Go to By Search and type in admin to the consumer search box. Select the box next to Admin, Paid Time Off (PTO) – 1641.



Step 3: Go back to In My List and make sure the Admin, Paid Time Off (PTO) is selected. Click Next at the top right.

Step 4: Select RETH as the Task. Input hours for this selected day. Do not input more hours for the week given to you by the Director.

Step 5: After selecting Next, select Submit Work at the bottom left hand corner.

Step 6: Select Continue Submit Work.

Step 7: Once the bar is green, the time has been submitted successfully.

Step 8: Repeat this process to input the total number of hours that you have acquired for your Paid Time Off for the week.